Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Over the river and through the arch to grandmother's house we went. Our Thanksgiving with the Farwigs was filled with family, fun and games, and of course, great food. Maggie enjoyed her first piece of pumpkin pie, much to the delight of everyone watching. During our flights, Maggie was very interested in looking out the window. While this new experience was fun for her, Mom and Dad sure miss the days when she napped on the plane.

Crazy Aunt Julie getting ready for her big ski trip.

PawPaw showed Maggie how fun it is to snack right out of the bag.

Building a ginger bread house with Lia

Family portrait

November pictures

We've had some techincal difficulties which prevented us from getting our pictures off the camera. So finally here are a few must see pics from earlier this month. Poor Maggie baby was sick with a bad stomach bug at the beginning of the month. One day all she did was sleep and snuggle with Mom. A few days later she was back to her normal antics of chasing the cat.

Not feeling so well...

Watch out kitty, I'm back!

Luckily Maggie's fever broke in time for mom and dad to celebrate Peg's birthday with night at the movies. Jim put his culinary skills to the test and made his first cake. It wasn't very pretty, but it sure tasted good!

Presentation is overrated...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Roller coaster weekend

We visited Ohio last weekend and it sure was a full four days. The original purpose of our trip was to attend the wedding of our friends Maureen and Aaron. The timing of the visited ended up being perfect as Peg's Dad was hospitalized and diagnosed with bladder cancer. He will undergo chemotherapy initially, to be followed by surgery. He certainly has a fight ahead of him, but we are confident he will make a full recovery.

Maureen and Aaron's wedding was a beautiful celebration of their love and family. One of the highlights was watching Mo and three of her siblings perform their Irish dances. The weekend contained every color on the spectrum of emotion, and we are truly grateful for our friends and family.