Friday, March 6, 2009

Above all else

The time has come to say our goodbyes. We are packing the car and leaving on Sunday. The week was full of all kinds of lasts, including our last play date. Previously I wrote about the things I will miss in PA. I left one person off that list because I couldn't bear the thought of saying farewell to my dear friend Alison. We met at a mom's group dinner and instantly bonded over birthing style. It also helped that we lived close and our daughters were the same age. As we came to know each other, we realized we had much more in common than The Bradley Method. Alison welcomed me into her life with open arms, knowing full well I was only here a short time. She is one of the most giving, honest, faithful people I know; her strength is unparalleled. Her friendship has been my saving grace these past two years and I am eternally grateful she came into my life!

1 comment:

Alison Treat said...

Peg, you are too kind. I am already missing you so much. I don't know how I'm going to follow that post on my blog (if I ever get back to it)! I hope all is well in Cincinnati.