Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Toddler Mania!

Jim's Wash U. friend Scott and his family paid us a visit last weekend. The Hurley's have two little ones as well, so we had a small zoo on our hands with four toddlers under the age of three roaming around. It's amazing the number of diaper changes in just two days! Katie and Maggie played together a little bit and when they did there was lots of squealing! Claire and Danny, who are just two days apart, certainly preferred the parallel play. The highlight was a visit to the Gorman Heritage Farm in Evendale where the kids got to see chickens, goats, pigs and mules up close. Claire even learned to say "Goat!" while we were there. Much fun was had by all!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Great video! Kate enjoyed it and must have watched it 30 times today. We had fun too and hope to see you again soon!