Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day Weekend

We had a busy, fun-filled holiday weekend! Friday afternoon we ventured up to Mason to check out their July 3rd festival. The girls had a blast at the kid zone and Jim enjoyed the DeLorean exhibit. Saturday was the annual Flynn family cookout at my aunt Mick's in Dayton. The rain couldn't dampen the spirit of the kids who kept busy playing in the garage and parading around the house. We didn't take in any fireworks this year since the girls go to bed long before dark. There's plenty of time for that in the years to come.

Bouncy House fun in Mason

This DeLorean was outfitted just like Marty McFly's

Sparkling Sisters

"Painting" the garage floor

"You can't rain on my parade!"

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh, those girls are too cute!! Looks like it was a nice weekend.