Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School

Maggie and Claire started school this week! Maggie is in the four year old class, three days a week. Claire hangs with the two year olds, twice a week. The first day was a success! Claire's session was only an hour long the first day which was for the best. There were tears at drop off and pick up, but that is to be expected I suppose. Maggie is in the same room again this year which is a good thing for her. She enthusiastically entered the classroom and waved goodbye, a marked difference from last year. So far, her review of school is mixed. She comments a lot that things are different, but can't verbalize how or what.

In the parking lot today, we saw some friends who were in Maggie's class last year. I've never seen her so happy to see a friend! She was jumping up and down and hugging these little girls - something my shy one rarely does. My take is she was pretty happy to see some familiar faces. I'm confident she'll grow to feel that way about her current classmates!

Here are pictures of the first day:

Maggie picked out her own outfit - 4th of July outfit and Easter Egg socks!

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