Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas 2007

Another Christmas flown by... We decided not to deal with the airlines for this trip and made the drive to Dayton in about 10 hours. Maggie hardly napped in the car, I guess there was just too much to excitement and things to see for her to drift into dreamland. Beth, Jay, Xanthe and Beatrix were all in town for the holiday. It was wonderful to be together, especially since it was the first time we spent the actual holiday together since 2003. Maggie and Beatrix enjoyed "sharing" toys and running around together. Peg's dad seemed to be feeling well, despite the chemo and was happy to mark the "half-way" point where that is concerned. Paul and Mary Farwig came from St. Louis for a short visit bearing even more gifts. We missed seeing the Farwig siblings and cousins though. There was an abundance of food, treats and presents, as usual, and we are thankful to be so blessed.

The girls all dressed up for Christmas Eve Mass

Opening gifts at Aunt Mick's on Christmas Eve

Pure Joy!

Christmas morning

Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter Wonderland

The biggest snowfall of the season so far arrived yesterday. We had steady snow showers all day and got about 8-9 inches. Jim came home from work early but couldn't get the car up the driveway so he promptly put the snowblower into action. We bundled up Maggie and took her outside. She wasn't a fan of the cold and her restricted range of motion. I don't even think she left the garage. She was much happier once we returned to the warm safety of the indoors.

What are you guys doing to me?

Relief! They finally came to their senses and brought me inside!

I would much rather play inside and rearrnage the furniture.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Deck the Halls

A cozy, tranquil Sunday afternoon spent decorating the tree and listening to Christmas music, the perfect vision of family togetherness...ahh the naiveté of first time parents. We thought it would be fun to have Maggie "help" us decorate the tree. It only took a couple minutes for us to remember that she's a curious 14 month old who loves to touch everything. Finally, we came to terms with reality and decided to decorate the bottom half of the tree after she went to bed. It sure made for some cute pictures though.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Half Way There

Peg hit the 20 week mark in her pregnancy this week. We got a peek inside at Baby Farwig #2 who was active and healthy. We didn't want to know the gender. Bo Baby (as we call him/her) helped us out by sitting indian style and making sure we couldn't see a thing!

First belly shot this pregnancy

Bo Baby's fist and arm were near the face so it's not the best profile shot

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pictures with Santa

Maggie experienced her first ever torture, I mean, picture with Santa this Saturday. We took her to the local elementary school which was having a holiday breakfast and show. The Polaroid was a throw back to 1978, complete with orange tile walls as backdrop. Hopefully, she's not scarred for life.