Thursday, January 31, 2008

Loves Music, Loves to Dance

This just keeps getting more fun! Maggie is at such a cute stage right now. She is so engaged in her play and the littlest things bring her the biggest delight. She is obsessed with babies and loves to look at pictures of them. Perhaps because it's the word she's most proficient at saying? Whatever the reason, hopefully she'll be just as excited about the baby who'll be here to stay in April. Here's a great picture taken while Maggie was dancing with her babydoll. She loves to shake her hips and dance to the music!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

15 months!

Maggie is quite the busy toddler these days! Here's a little update on our 15 month old. Maggie checks in at 2' 9" tall and continues to be in the 95th percentile for height and weight. I wonder where she gets that? She loves running in circles around the kitchen island and especially likes it when mommy chases her. Her books hold her attention longer than any toy. Maggie's favorite thing in all the world is "purple dolly" who she carries everywhere. Her vocabulary is growing more each day; she can say mama, daddy, kitty, up, bye-bye, belly, and baby. Maggie has really taken to sign language lately. She uses the baby signs for more, all-done, brush teeth, milk, fan and gentle. Taking after mom, Maggie still loves her sleep. It doesn't seem that she'll be dropping the morning nap anytime soon. If only mom got to nap twice a day!

Princess Margaret wields the royal toothbrush

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, New Kitchen

Happy New Year! It's hard to believe that it's 2008. We've come to realize that Baby Farwig #2 will be here before we know it and we've got a lot on our "to do" list before then. Jim spent the New Year's holiday painting the kitchen. His goal was to get it finished before he returned to work and he succeeded. So it seemed like a good time to show some "before" and "after" pictures of our house. Hopefully it's obvious which ones are the "after."

Dining room
