I've tried at least three times to upload this adorable video of Anna's first coo-ing sounds, but can not get the darn thing to transfer. The video was shot during a particularly rough week of mothering my three back in mid-May. Jim was traveling for work for the first time and I was struggling. I'll share the post I wrote at the time and omit the video, just so I can get back into the swing of updating the blog. So here it is:In the midst of a stressful week with Jim out of town, I find myself focusing on the little things in life that bring joy. Claire, followed shortly by Maggie, developed Hand, Foot and Mouth disease this week with it's fever and telltale rash. My hunch is that it was picked up either at Claire's well-child check-up last week, or from the preschool water fountain which Claire visits every time we take Maggie to school.
The girls seem to be in good spirits, which reminds me that kids are resilient. Our neighbor came at a moments notice to help fix a closet door, a friend came to sooth Anna to sleep so I could take a shower, my parents took the big girls for a night to give me a break, and several friends have offered to help in any way they can.
I am taking a moment to be grateful for all the blessings and support in my life. I'm also treasuring my youngest, sweet baby girl. She's growing so fast and becoming quite the social creature. I'm soaking up all of her beautiful infant coos because before I blink she'll be talking in sentences.