Tuesday, June 7, 2011

15 months and In her own time

Anna has not been in a hurry to meet any milestones. She gestated longer than any of her sisters, and was toward the end of normal range for most of her major milestones. Anna has been cruising around the house with the assistance of a spiffy walker device for several weeks. Finally, she has decided that she is ready to walk on her own. Here she goes:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Anna turns 1!

It is hard to believe that a year has passed since we welcomed Anna into our family! Her arrival exactly on her due date, March 6th, is typical Anna. All during this first year, she met every milestone when she was ready and not one minute sooner. Rolling, sitting, crawling, teething and walking (if she ever decides to try that one) have all occurred a bit later than it did with her sisters. That's just fine, she can not be rushed. She does things in her own time.

Anna is such a patient, easy-going child. I struggled with sufficient milk supply often during her nursing time and she was always so patient. (Hmm, chasing two other toddlers around, barely enough time to feed myself - no wonder I couldn't keep up my supply!) Her morning nap is frequently interrupted to take her big sisters to school and she just goes with the flow, sleeping a bit longer in the afternoon if she needs it. Anna has battled frequent ear infections this winter and has been such a trooper through multiple doctor visits, antibiotics and such.

At 1, she is a lightening-fast crawler and gets into just about everything. Her favorite demolition spots are the cookbooks and DVDs. She lights up when Maggie or Claire pay her the slightest bit of attention and loves to giggle with them. She squeals when it's story time and loves to turn the pages.

Anna is pure joy! I am so excited to watch her grow and see her bond with her big sisters. We are so very blessed!

Illness cancelled the big birthday party we had planned, so we ended up celebrating multiple times with different family and friends. Here are the highlights:

Under the weather, but still up for presents from family

Well enough for signing and cake on actual birthday

Mmm, first sugar!

"So Big" in my party dress

Mommy and Me - celebrating surviving our first year!

My very own smash cake

Party #3 - getting pretty good at this unwrapping thing

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Princess Aurora

To say Claire is obsessed with Sleeping Beauty is an understatement. Aurora is her favorite Disney princess, hands down. Claire received the movie for Christmas and asks to watch it at least every other day. I often catch her just looking at the DVD case. At bedtime, she often requests "The Sleeping Beauty Song" as her lullaby. Recently, I caught this amazing video and am so happy to document this phase in Claire's life. I especially like Claire's dramatic exit at the end. A future actress perhaps?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Daddy / Daughter Dance

There are so many things we love about our community center, not least of which are the fantastic family activities offered year-round. Saturday, Jim and Maggie attended their first Daddy/Daughter dance. We had been building up to the event for weeks - picking out a lovely dress in her favorite color, finding the right shoes, etc.

Maggie was so excited that the weekend had finally arrived! Unfortunately, she came down with a pretty bad cold on Friday night. She spent most of the day Saturday fighting a fever and rested up with a three and a half hour nap. After dinner, she rallied thanks to Ibuprofen and cough syrup (thankfully, there is still one approved for 4 year olds). I felt a bit like a pageant mom while curling Maggie's hair, but she was so excited to get gussied up. She even made Jim close his eyes till she was ready and could make a grand entrance.

Claire was equally excited at Maggie's beautiful dress. She was too young to go this year, but has already started describing what she wants her dress to look like next year. After bidding Dad and Mag farewell, Claire and I had a special treat ourselves - some ice cream!

Jim reports the dance was quite the success. There were balloons, a disco ball, a DJ, pizza, an ice cream sundae bar, keepsake photos and lots of little girls enjoying special time with Dad. It seems a tradition has been born!

All dressed for the ball

Sharing in the excitement - not an ounce of jealousy from Claire

"Is he ready yet?"

Her prince, the man all others will pale in comparison to

Who needs a sundae bar when you can have a scoop with Mom?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas 2010

Highlights from our Holiday...