Maggie was so excited that the weekend had finally arrived! Unfortunately, she came down with a pretty bad cold on Friday night. She spent most of the day Saturday fighting a fever and rested up with a three and a half hour nap. After dinner, she rallied thanks to Ibuprofen and cough syrup (thankfully, there is still one approved for 4 year olds). I felt a bit like a pageant mom while curling Maggie's hair, but she was so excited to get gussied up. She even made Jim close his eyes till she was ready and could make a grand entrance.
Claire was equally excited at Maggie's beautiful dress. She was too young to go this year, but has already started describing what she wants her dress to look like next year. After bidding Dad and Mag farewell, Claire and I had a special treat ourselves - some ice cream!
Jim reports the dance was quite the success. There were balloons, a disco ball, a DJ, pizza, an ice cream sundae bar, keepsake photos and lots of little girls enjoying special time with Dad. It seems a tradition has been born!
All dressed for the ball
Sharing in the excitement - not an ounce of jealousy from Claire
"Is he ready yet?"
Her prince, the man all others will pale in comparison to
Who needs a sundae bar when you can have a scoop with Mom?