Thursday, July 17, 2008

Claire's Baptism

The culmination of our trip was the celebration of Claire's baptism. It brought tears to my eyes to be home at Bellarmine Chapel and welcome Claire to the community. Claire did not cry when Fr. Al dunked her naked in the baptismal font. Per Chapel policy, there were no pictures during the worship, but trust me, her chubby bottom and "budda belly" were pretty darn cute. Afterward, she was dressed in the Flynn family baptismal gown, which is 65 years old and clothed it's 23rd infant in Claire.

The Farwig contingent traveled in from places south, east and west. Even Nana came in from St. Louis. Maggie was very excited to see MawMaw and cousins Zane and Lia. Weekend long festivities included a cookout on Saturday, brunch after church, and Sunday night dinner at great Aunt Mick's. Claire received the "Susanna bowl" which was a wedding gift to Susanna Staley in 1831. It has been handed down to every Susanna in the five generations since.

Our extended visit to Ohio was filled with the things that matter most in this life: faith, family, and friendship. We only wish we had more time to spend with those we hold dear. But we treasure the memories we made and know that soon we will be home stay.

Maggie and purple dolly had time for quiet reflection before Mass

Claire Susanna's Godmother Aunt Beth

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What great family pictures! We really had a great time seeing you and look forward to our next visit.