Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Body, My Self

I have been pregnant or nursing every day for the past three and a half years. There was some overlap as I was still nursing Maggie when I got pregnant with Claire. As she neared her first birthday, Claire became less interested in nursing. I was interested in getting my body back, so last week I decided it was time to wean her. In the past few days I've noticed a lift in my spirits. It's hard to describe really. Maybe it's the knowing that I can drink as much coffee and diet coke as I want. Granted, I'll probably still limit my intake because too much caffeine is not a good thing, but it's the fact that I could drink more if I wanted. I'm free to do so. Perhaps it's the presence of a waist that has started to emerge as some more of the baby weight comes off. Certainly, some things are not in the same place they were before my child-bearing days, and they probably never will be. It's amazing how the body changes in order to create another human being. But whatever this new energy is, I like it! God-willing we'll have another kid (or two) eventually, but in the meantime I think I'll enjoy this freedom.

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