Thursday, September 10, 2009

The word on the street

At almost 17 months, Claire's language is exploding lately. I can barely keep up with all of her new words. Today, she had three new additions to her vocabulary - video, (pronounced "vidi"), llama, and Farwig which is surprisingly clear. She has been trying to say her big sister's name for a few weeks, but in the past couple days, her version of Maggie's name has become very distinct. When the sisters are reunited after a separation, most often due to naps, Claire is overjoyed! She runs toward Maggie shouting, "Mani! Mani! Mani!' Some mornings Maggie sleeps in, and as Claire and I quietly tip toe out of her room, she'll look at Maggie's closed bedroom door and whisper ever so softly, "Mani?" It's the most adorable thing I've ever seen! I don't think she's close to saying her own name though. When I ask her, "Can you say Claire?" she just looks at me blankly and says "Me!" Maybe this means she won't refer to herself in the third person!


Sarah said...

Is that a Sesame Street reference? :) The sister thing is so cute. I love this is awesome!

Alison Treat said...

That is sooooo sweet! Wish I had a chance to know Claire better as she grows. Can't believe Maggie's and Camilla's birthdays are just around the corner.