Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day weekend we headed to Philadelphia. It was great to explore this historic city and get a nice dose of urban life. Saturday morning we went to the "Please Touch" children's museum. Maggie enjoyed shopping in the pint-sized grocery store, driving the cars, sailing the boats, and visiting the farm. While the girls napped, Jim visited Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. He almost had to donate his pocket knife to the Homeland Security Dept. in order to see Independence Hall. Luckily, he had some quick thinking and buried it in a nearby shrub before his tour. Let Freedom Ring.

Water fun at the children's museum

Mailing some letters

Ready to work at the Stuckmeyer cousins' farm

Just chillin'

On Sunday we visited the nation's first zoo. It was also our first trip to the zoo as a family. The visit was especially fun since Maggie has taken to singing Old MacDonald's "E, I, O" and is making animal sounds. Claire preferred to experience the zoo from the Baby Bjorn instead of the stroller, who can blame her? Maggie discovered the world of condiments during our lunch and decided ketchup is pretty yummy. Check out the video at the end, pardon the noisy lunch room.

Feeding the ducks

And grooming the goat


1 comment:

Stay at home mom Stephanie said...

The girls are so cute. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.