Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Hills Are Alive

Maggie and Claire have fallen in love with The Sound of Music! Listening to the soundtrack is an every day occurrence in our house. It has an amazing calming effect on them. Claire will just sit on the floor and stare at the radio, as the sound of Julie Andrews fills the room. Maggie provides constant commentary about what is happening in the story as each song is played. Claire's favorite song is "Do-Re-Mi" while Maggie's top three are "16 going on 17", "My Favorite Things" and "So Long, Farewell." I am thrilled that they are finding such joy in one of my favorite musicals. I just wish I didn't keep getting "The Lonely Goatherd" stuck in my head when trying to fall asleep!

Here's a sample of one of Maggie's spontaneous outbursts into song after dinner:

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