Friday, February 19, 2010

The Sound of Philosophy

Today's lunch conversation, while listening to S.O.M., went something like this:

"Maggie: Why does 'Climb Every Mountain' come after the over-mission?
Me: Do you mean intermission?
Maggie: Yeah, why do movies need intermissions?
Me: So people can go to the potty. (Climb Every Mountain now playing)
Maggie: Why do people have to follow their dreams?
Me: God will tell you in your heart what you should do and you need to listen. Then you will be happy in life. Do you know what I always dreamed of being? A Mommy!"
Maggie: Did you have to climb every mountain?"

I love this kid!

1 comment:

Jenni, Jim, Evan and Julia Kershaw said...

Hysterical! I hope she doesn't get too philosophical about The Lonely Goatherd...