Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bizzare toddler eating habits, and a shout-out

Oh the terrific twos! Maggie's eating habits are about as erratic as her moods these days. There's such internal struggle for virtually every decision. Will I eat it? How will I eat it? Do I like it? Milk or no milk on the cereal? just to name a few. The previously rejected scrambled eggs and grilled cheese were both inhaled with vigor today, so I'm glad I took the chance and offered them again. While Jim was dining out on ethnic cuisine in Cincinnati, Mags and I had a frozen pizza tonight (just a slight guilt trip). You can't get a pizza delivered out here, and there's no place we've come love for take-out, so Digiorno it was. The last time we had pizza (5 weeks ago in Cape May) Maggie picked all the toppings off and ate only the crust. Today, she ate all the toppings first and saved the crust for last. Maybe one day she'll just take a bite of it like a normal person? Despite all the challenge, it is great to see her explore her food, change her mind, and come back around to things. Here's hoping that veggies soon return to favor.

Maggie was very talkative at dinner tonight so I grabbed the camera and got this great video. She's giving a shout-out to all her loved ones. Enjoy!

1 comment:

M Farwig said...

Two year olds are challenging but so cute! We love you, too, Maggie (and Claire).
Mawmaw and Pawpaw