Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's that time of year! We've really been enjoying Autumn lately. Last weekend we explored the Keystone State and ventured to The Grand Canyon of PA outside of the quaint town of Wellsboro. The trees had a few fewer leaves toward the west, but the colors were still gorgeous. We enjoyed a picnic lunch before heading to the overlook. We had just enough time to snap a few pictures before the girls got cranky and it was time to head home.

The next day, against our better judgement, we dragged our tired girls out for another fall adventure. Dressed in their best pumpkin picking clothes, we headed to the same family farm we visited last year. Maggie was really into the festivities this year, favoring the petting zoo and the straw fort. The following week Maggie kept retelling the tales of all the animals she saw and the Mama Llama feeding her baby. I love that she now has memory and the vocabulary to reflect on past events. Claire took the week to recover from her disrupted naps, but she's finally back on schedule. It was worth it though since mom and dad sure had fun!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Looks like you had a fun, busy weekend. The girls are adorable as always!