Saturday, December 13, 2008

'Tis the Season

Cold and Flu season that is! A nasty cold has made the rounds through the house so we've had a yucky week. Maggie started with it on Sunday and is still fighting it off. Poor thing hasn't been sleeping well with the cough, and was even hoarse earlier this week. The Vicks rub down has become the new normal for her bedtime routine. Claire, on the other hand, has only a slight runny nose, thanks to the antibodies she's getting from me. Just another reason to nurse her through the winter till her first birthday. Needless to say, we've spent most of the week at home in our PJs.

I had to take some video to document Maggie's adorably pathetic voice. I couldn't decide which one to post, and Jim said, "Why not both of them?" so there you go.

"Funny Bunny"

Mag's latest thing is to say "guys." Listen closely at the end.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love her little froggy voice! Hope you're all on the mend.